One on my ever increasing jobs over the past year is to arrange and operate large scale events involving 100 of YWAM staff across the globe - without leaving my office. This is all done using YWAM's video conference Network - GENESIS (Global, Electronic, Network, Serving, Inspiring, Students) In laymans terms, It's a bit like Skype on acid. GENESIS is designed to bring people serving in YWAM together from all over the World. Back in June of this year we were lucky enough to be addressed by YWAM's founder, Loren Cunningham. Loren addressed 24 bases across the Americas, but we were also joined another180+ locations joining on our web stream. We are finding more and more uses for this technology. One way is our weekly operations meetings across our locations in San Diego and Mexico. Instead of driving for hours and paying $100's in Gas, we simply jump on our video machines and have a face to face meeting that way. We have weekly devotionals delivered by a speaker from "somewhere" in the world. We have global worship events and then the large scale addresses from senior leaders. GENESIS is also a great tool for smaller bases who may not have the resourses to fly in speakers for thier training schools. Instead they join over GENESIS. Our next large scale event is on 11th November at 9am (PST). Darlene Cunningham, co-founder of YWAM, will be joining us. If you would like to join in and see what we do, you can find the live web stream at: LINK UP AMERICAS Hurricane Jimena made landfall on 3rd September 2009 on the coast of Baja California in Mexico as a category two hurricane. The storm lasted for 80 hours over the area, causing major damages to homes and businesses located in the small cities along the coastline. The rain and heavy winds damaged rooftops while water levels of the Mulege River rose by 10 meters sweeping up everything in its way. Forty five per cent of the homes in Cuidad Constitucion, Puerto Lopez Mateos, Magadalena and Puerto Alcatraz, amongst other cities sustained roof top damages. Hurricane Jimena generated 711 ml of rain in Guaymas and 360 ml in Empalme, both cities in the state of Sonora. The main road located between San Jose del Cabo and Tijuana is affected due to several creeks that overflowed. The airports in los Cabos, La Paz and Loreto which were temporarily closed are now functioning normally and did not sustain damages. Several ports were also temporarily closed and are currently operating. The major sectors affected by Jimena were the electric and water systems, especially in Santa Rosalia, which remains without safe drinking water. The municipal government has supplied portable water units, but these are insufficient for the entire population. 70 per cent of the electricity network between the cities of Constitución and Santa Rosalia was affected due to damaged power lines and conduction towers. There are still electricity shortages at night. Preliminary reports indicate that Jimena caused over USD 37,544,866 in damages. YWAM San Diego/Baja has a long history of providing shelter for needy families in the northern Baja region. Our passion is to help families that would not normally be able to help themselves, but also to partner with the local Church to help make a lasting difference. Our ResponseOur recent scouting trip to the devastated areas has identified two projects that we are seeking support: Project Mulege: The town of Mulege, was by far the most devastated by the hurricane. A large portion of the town was devastated by the flood waters. Rain from the hurricane was channeled through the normally gentle river and dry creek beds, surged through the town carrying with it anything in its path. The clear need we heard from families and from a local pastor were for mattresses and bedding to replace those ruined by the flood waters. For $5,250 we can purchase and deliver mattresses, pillows, sheets and blankets to 30 families ($175 per family). Project Cuidad Constitution: This town was hit hardest by the hurricane force winds with power lines down everywhere and bits of tin roof blown off many of the commercial buildings and factories. A large number of old wood and cardboard shacks were blown away. Working with Pastor Jesus Salinas Barraza we wish to send a team of staff builders to one of the poorer neighborhoods and help rebuild as many homes as we can, but also to rebuild the Church that was also destroyed. For $6,000 we can rebuild a home. For $10,000 we can rebuild the Church To make a donation to our Hurricane Jimena Relief Project please click here and in the description write: Hurricane – Bedding Hurricane – House Hurricane – Church For more information please contact:
Malcolm Taylor – [email protected] – (619) 495-8600 Jim Walker – [email protected] – (619) 213-8451 So what can i say about my trip to Egypt last month... Heat, No Sleep, Camels, Pyramids, New Friends, Mosquito Bites.. In September i had the privilege of being able to attend the YWAM, University Of The Nations Workshop in Cairo. I was joined by 400 others form over 50 different Nations. We were also linked to workshops in Kiev, Lausanne & Cape town, via YWAM's video Conference Network, Genesis. My main role was to run the sound, which meant ALOT of work. Starting at 7am each day and then finishing around 230am the following day. Setting up was also a challenge, as trying to find the right cables in a village 2 hours North of Cairo is a problem in itself. But during Ramadan when nothing is open until about 8pm, its even more challenging. Despite the challenges, everything was up and running with literally Minutes to spare. They were still welding the projector mounts to the ceiling 5 minutes before the event started!!! I spent most of my day sat in the sound booth with the translators. Everything was translated from English into; Arabic, Spanish, Korean & German! I did learn a few words in Arabic... Each morning and night a different speaker from the different locations shared a message, some of these were: Tom Bloomer (From Lausanne) Loren Cunningham (From Lausanne) Jim Stier (From Kiev) and were privileged to have David Hamilton & Darleene Cunningham (Pictured with me here) with us in Cairo There were many of the highlights of the week. One was being among the first few to sign the 50 YEAR COVENANT, but the ultimate for me was hearing our founder Loren Cunningham speak on the final night, and then "Send us out into the nations" We symbolized this by lighting a torch in each location, then each person lighting a candle from the torch. Around then world we then marched out of the doors to a HUGE 30m Map of the world to take the light to the nations. It was very powerful. It wasn't quite all WORK. We did manage to get one afternoon off to go and do some tourist stuff. Camels, Pyramids, kebabs etc... All in all it was a great experience to meet new friends, catch up with old ones, experience North Africa for the first time, and to see what God is up to in other parts of the world. Hanging out with Benny Prasad in Egypt. Check out Click Here for More Photos of the Trip
August 2024