![]() It's amazing how sometimes there are things in life we want, but don't need, and we get them anyway. This week im in the Dominican Republic helping celebrate the wedding of Friend and colleague, Malcolm Taylor. Who leads the YWAM Ministry in San Pedro, DR. When he first asked me to come, my first thoughts were Yes, but how do I afford the $800 on flights. Well I remembered I had some airmiles with AA which would enable me to fly one way. Then As I was looking around for flights, a miracle happened. A few thousand miles appeared in my United Airlines account. With no explanation. Just enough to fly me home. It was the most amazing thing. So here I am at the wedding. I feel spoiled and honored to be here. Just another proof that God hears us and gives us the desires of our hearts... ![]() This is where im staying at the beautiful YWAM San Pedro Base in the Dominican Republic. What an Honor... Every month we open the doors of our campus to families who are looking for hope and wanting to apply for a new home. This month we wanted to do something different, and offer them all hope, wether they qualified for a home or not. ![]() So last monday morning, 160 people turned up at the base, all looking for hope. We shared the vision of Homes of Hope, had some fun entertainment and shared the Love of God with them. 30 people mad a commitment to follow God that day. We then went through the application process with them while we entertained the kids with the bounce house and Arts and crafts. To finish off we fed them all a good lunch. What an honour it is to be able to bring Hope into peoples lives every day...
![]() Some of you may have heard that 3 weeks ago, Levi had a snow boarding accident up in Washington State and Broke his Arm. It was a really stressful time for all of us. Being in pain, away from his family, not knowing if our insurance would cover it and worst of all for Levi, the fact that he is due to play in a football tournament in Guadalajara in 3 weeks.. ![]() Because of the place and nature of the break, the doctors said it would be 6 - 8 weeks in a cast to be fully healed, which would obviously mean missing out on the football tournament. WELL Levi has been praying hard and went to the hospital this week. It is COMPLETELY HEALED in just 3 weeks. We were amazed, the Doctor was amazed, and obviously Levi is VERY Happy. Just a reminder of God's Love for us and that MIRACLES STILL HAPPEN.. Just for Fun, this is Levi being towed down the mountain in a body bag!!!
December 2024