This is a really Powerful Picture of how our Ministry in Mexico is affecting people all over the World...
The HOH (Homes Of Hope) logos are places that we have built homes with our International Homes Of Hope programs. The MA (Mission Adventures) logos are places around the world that we launched Mission Adventures from our International MA Office. The UOFN (University Of The Nations) logos are places that we have either received students from, sent them on outreach or past students are now working. What a privaledge it is to be part of What God is Doing around the World... ![]() Last Weekend we had the privilege of hosting an amazing conference devoted to prayer and worship, and specifically praying into the work of YWAM San Diego Baja. ![]() Joining my leadership team and the leaders from Ensenada were other Senior YWAM leaders, and key people that have been part of the life of YWAM San Diego Baja over the years. The event was MC'd by David Cunningham (Son of YWAM Founder) and we even had a suprise visit by Loren Cunningham (Our Founder) which was a great privaledge. ![]() One of the highlights for me was a day of praying for the nations. We made a Giant map of the world and spent the day walking around the world praying for specific nations. It was a very powerful time. |
December 2024