Why Mexico?
I remember before we came to Mexico, someone sat me down asked "Why on Earth would you want to take your family and live in a place that is poor, dirty, corrupt and crime ridden". At the time my answer was "Well it seams a noble thing to to do, going to change peoples lives". But now as i look back at the past nearly 11 years of life and ministry in Mexico, my answer is very different. We came to Mexico with a view of serving others and probably a savior mentality, thinking i was coming to change peoples lives. In reality i think it's me that has changed the most. My love and respect for people and cultures has grown in ways that i couldn't dream about. We all read about poverty and see statistics. We see faces on the TV and hear stories. But i've found that behind every statistic is a Father, a Mother, a brother, a sister, all trying to do the best they can with the life they have been given. I've realized that a family of 6, earning just $5 a day, living in a house made of pallets and old tarpaulins, with no electricity or running water, sleeping on an old mattress on a dirt floor can live a more content life than a family living in "luxury" in a developed nation. I've realized that building a home for a family the size of an average garage, that is dry, warm and safe can change the destiny of a family's life forever. I've learned that Mexico is a beautiful nation full of amazing people that work hard and value their families in a way i've never seen. So tell me again Why Mexico? So if you asked me now Why Mexico? My answer again be would be simple, but very different. Mexico for me has been a place of learning and growing. Its a place that despite the dirt, corruption and poverty, its a place that i can call home and raise my family. Its a place that i can have the privilege of being a small part of transforming lives every day. Thank You for partnering with us to see transformation in lives here in Mexico. |
December 2024