Grassroots News is a new initiative set up by Movie Director and YWAMer, David Cunningham. YWAM has more people in more places than any news network. So lets train a network of people around the world to be in places to tell stories where the news is happening. We have already had some of our stories bought by major news networks. Check out "Students, volunteers and people from all walks of life are joining together to see something unprecedented: an honest look at our world from a grassroots perspective. Every international story starts local every bystander is a witness and every witness has a story to tell. Today’s technology is enabling their voices to be heard around the world and your voice could be one of them. When much of the international press was still days away from the heartbreak and heroes of the epicenter of the Haitian earthquake, Grassroots news reporters from within the community were already on the scene. When Sex slavery went unnoticed on the streets of America, our cameras exposed the injustice. So when the next big story is breaking out in your city or your village or your neighborhood, you could either stand on the sidelines, or you can make the news." Last week in Tijuana we hosted our first ever GRASSROOTS NEWS workshop. We had 180 students in 12 locations joining together each day for teaching and training to become Grassroots Reporters. Training was given on Iphones & Ipods, with Apps for shooting & editing. Along with training in scripting, story telling and Ethics. Trainers were all industry professionals from the world of Film, Television, Magazine & Newspaper. Part of the seminar was for each participant to produce a news story, that could be sent to Grassroots news. Levi decided to shoot a story about the family adjustments in adoption. CHECK IT OUT HERE |
December 2024